
Exclusive Extracts

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The moon outside is large and bright. It’s bigger than either of us; it doesn’t care about my petty emotions. It shines on his pale skin. ‘Please don’t cry,’ I whisper. ‘You don’t need to cry.’

Photo by David Besh, courtesy of Pexels

‘And you said you love me.’ My eyes fill. ‘I do,’ he says softly. I shake my head. ‘How can I possibly believe you?’ ‘You can’t,’ he says. ‘That’s the worst part about lying, nobody knows when you’re telling the truth. I love you but you don’t believe me.’

Photo by Erik Karits, courtesy of Pexels


Photo by Saliha, courtesy of Pexels

‘Stop struggling.’ He sits on my back, grabs my hair and hits my head on the stone floor. I shriek by stop struggling. Fear grips me. I’m in trouble. I’m only just beginning to realise what that means.


Photo by Tim Mossholder, courtesy of Pexels


But I am not in my body. I’m not even sure I’m there. I’m a lost soul whose world has shattered.